πŸ•ΈοΈWEB 3.0

Web 3.0 is the next evolution of the internet where the web would be governed by machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, and no company would have the authority over the data of any user. In Web 2.0 we users were the product of the content, but in this iteration, we might just become the owner of the content we see or upload. The biggest change that's gonna happen in the upcoming generation is decentralization. Which in simplified terms means that the data on the internet would be separated between the nodes of the blockchain, and everyone on the node would have the same copy of the ledger. This same is gonna happen in Web 3.0. It's going to become more secure, decentralized and no government would be included in this. One major benefit of this web is e-payment. Companies would start adopting cryptocurrencies to become a payment method for their products and for those to happen crypto wallets (like MetaMask) would become popular. The biggest advantage to having those as a payment method is that you can send money anywhere in the world within minutes without taxation and currency exchange expenses.

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